Roll Off Dumpster Rental in Hammond

Roll off dumpster rental makes renting a dumpster for your home or business a cinch. Just call Dumpster Rental Pros of Hammond to reserve your dates and we’ll get the dumpster out to you easily. In fact, we can even deliver the roll off rental on the same day in some cases, if you call us before early afternoon.

Choose the Size of Your Rollaway Dumpster

At Dumpster Rental Pros of Hammond, we are proud to offer a variety of different sizes of roll off dumpsters including:

  • 5 yard dumpster capable of holding up to 2,000 pounds
  • 10 yard dumpster capable of holding up to 4,000 pounds
  • 15 yard dumpster capable of holding up to 6,000 pounds
  • 20 yard dumpster capable of holding up to 8,000 pounds
  • 30 yard dumpster capable of holding up to 10,000 pounds

Why Choose a Roll Off Dumpster

At Dumpster Rental Pros of Hammond, we take pride in the roll off dumpsters we offer. They offer the convenience and flexibility that our clients need. Roll off containers make it easy to:

  • Transport a waste bin to any location within the Hammond area
  • Deliver a container on the same day that you call in some cases (if you call early in the day)
  • Fill the bin with a large amount of waste and debris
  • Haul away the filled bin by rolling it right back onto the truck

You can rent a roll off dumpster for many different projects including:

  • Home renovations and repairs
  • Yard renovations and repairs
  • Repairing or replacing fences and decks
  • Repairing or replacing patios, sidewalks, or driveways
  • Business renovation and repairs
  • Business relocating
  • Business closings
10 yard dumpsters

How to Order Your Roll Away Dumpster

We make it easy to order the right roll away dumpster for your needs:

Call us to get your free quote or to get advice on the right size roll away dumpster for your needs. Let our representatives know what you will need to dispose of and they’ll help you choose the right size for your project.

Specify the date, time, and location that you need the roll away bin and we will deliver it as promised.

Use the trash container for the duration of the rental period. At the end, we will come back and pick it up, hauling away the trash and disposing of it properly for you.

Please note: If your town requires special permission to have a roll away dumpster at your property, let us know and we’ll help you line up the permission necessary for the dumpster.

We Service All of Northwest Indiana

Dumpster Rental Pros of Hammond is excited to offer roll away dumpster in sizes 40 yards down to 10 yards. We've been in business for decades and are known for easy-going, reliable customer service. We're the company of choice for contractors, homeowners and property managers.


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